
On-Page Optimization

A close-up image of a cobbler's hands carefully applying polish to the sole of a leather shoe. Overlaid text reads, "What is the function of SEO? Driving Organic Traffic to Your Website. On-Page Optimization," conveying the analogy of SEO as a careful, detail-oriented process similar to crafting or repairing shoes.

Like so many SEO professionals, I have ignored my own site. I feel, though, that I should walk the walk. Forget the cobbler’s shoes; let’s see what the application of simple SEO principles, like on-page optimization, can do to the traffic to your site. Assessing Content If you’re like me, you have a lot I […]

Respite: While Taking Care of Others

Bottom half of legs in a bubble bath, crossed at the ankle.

Care giving for a significant other who’s not going to get better, while raising and supporting children, along with the dealing with an aging parent is rather like trying to dance on the tracks of an oncoming train. The bad is coming, whatever it is. You can feel it. If you put your ear to […]

How To Prep for a Job Search over 55

Mature business woman. Prepping for a job search over 55

If you want to know how to prep for a job search over 55, I have just been through the process of getting a new job and, though it was difficult, it was also a lot of fun. And I was successful. There are many things in my life I am grateful for. One is […]

Self-Help? Happiness? When You’re Ready.

Most of us have had moments that bring us pure joy. Falling in love with the right person is like that. Marriage is like that. So is becoming a parent of a child or a fur baby. You are full of joy. But sometimes, the change is not favourable. We’ve all been through that as […]

How to Build a Breakwater

Porthcawl Pier being hit by a huge wave

A very long time ago, I visited my grandparents in England and spent weeks in Porthcawl, a town on the south coast of Wales, about an hour outside of Cardiff. It was the summer. Annie Burke, my paternal grandmother, would go every day to the seaside and sit with her friend Dyllis, warm in the […]

My Own Story: Caregiving For Your Spouse, Three Things You Lose

Two hands holding another hand. A piece about caregiving, longterm caregiving and the toll on the caregiver.

And What You Can Do About It. This one was difficult to write but I expect it’s better out than in. I’ve been caring for my husband for a long time. I am passing on a bit of advice to those in the same boat. Read the full story: https://jacquiburke.medium.com/my-own-story-caregiving…#longtermillness#longtermdisability#caregiving#caregiver#mylife#braininjury

Is Conservatism Really Fiscally Responsible?

A young couple plans their future. Conservatism.

(Part 1: Family Planning) In this wee series, I (very, very) lightly — and with a pinch of humour — take a peek at what it means to be a conservative in a late-stage capitalist oligarchy essentially wondering if Conservatism really has anything to do with fiscal responsibility. Part 1: Contraception and Abortion Conservative factions […]

The Power of a Humanities Education

Sheena Jary

What Do You Need? Sometimes in life, you bump into exactly what you need to at the time you need it. As many of you know, I’ve gone back to school to finish something I started 40 years ago – a university degree. After balancing my options, I decided to take the ENG2RW6, the one […]

Turn Around, Bright Eyes

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget]   What if you had a friend who was always around but only contacted you when they wanted to borrow five bucks. How would that make you feel? Or they are walking ahead of you and you are staring at their back. They turn to say hi, you think, but all they want […]

Social Media

A long time ago, I used to be a Stage Manager. Stage Managers have so much to do in a given evening that it is impossible to do it all. You learn to be judicious with your time and energy or nothing gets done well. I have worked in social media, now, for seven or […]