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Easier and Harder to go Back to School

The Educated Plumber, going back to school, mature student, post-secondary over sixty

As I come to the end of the first university course that will allow me to finish my degree at sixty years old, I am surprised at two things. One, that it has been easier than I expected and two, that it’s been harder than I expected.

The Easier

The work has been easier than I expected it to be and, for that, I am grateful — inasmuch I was worried that….


  • Call me.
  • Write me.
  • My favourite colour is black. I wear black a whole lot.
  • My favourite animal is the tiger. Which is good because I am a tiger according to Chinese astrology.
  • I have two cats. My favourite humans are my daughter and my husband.
  • My favourite movie, right now, is Oppenheimer but I really love action movies, probably my favourite is The Matrix.