Content Writer
Copy Writer
Marketing & Communications

Social Media

A long time ago, I used to be a Stage Manager. Stage Managers have so much to do in a given evening that it is impossible to do it all. You learn to be judicious with your time and energy or nothing gets done well.

I have worked in social media, now, for seven or eight years and I brought to social media that idea of precious time and I want you to know that I operate under the following precept.


With the following proviso: Social Media is the slow boat to China.

The ROI on social media is easy to track and easy to understand. Absolutely quantifiable. We need no Don Drapers to guess and guess. We need to post reasonable, interesting, and, hopefully, quirky or funny or compelling to make the post viral. But we just need to post. Watch what happens and keep doing what works. So, so, so simple.  Clients come more slowly but — if you hone your posts and learn what people like, you will grow your community. And bam! Clients. That’s attraction marketing.

We can show you how its done. We can do it for you under your guidance and control. We can do both.

  • Call me.
  • Write me.
  • My favourite colour is black. I wear black a whole lot.
  • My favourite animal is the tiger. Which is good because I am a tiger according to Chinese astrology.
  • I have two cats. My favourite humans are my daughter and my husband.
  • My favourite movie, right now, is Oppenheimer but I really love action movies, probably my favourite is The Matrix.